Wednesday, April 4, 2007


This illegal immigration crisis and how the authorities that are supposed to heed our call DONT. Or should I state more correctly, they WON'T!. Hows that!
I get so incredibly, whats the word,,,,, just I guess frustrated, and completely pissed at the AMERICANS who are involved. Following are just clips from articles that I have read from sources such as NYTimes, Forbes, CNN, MSNBC, Dateline , Various city newspapers, Dallas, Arizona, Nevada, Kansas you name it.

You tell me if this doesn't qualify for a screaming WTF?!!

Deputy Police Chief Tom Stolz said. "Immigration status does not register on our radar. We do not ferret or seek people out."
The following article appeared in the April 20, 2006 edition of The Wichita Eagle, Wichita, Kansas. faces deportation dilemma 73% of Kansans think the U.S. should attempt to deport illegal immigrants. BY BRENT D. WISTROM


Taxpayers are up against a deadline this time each year.
But this victim is up against a different kind of deadline,
he"s waiting to see who stole his identity and
if he'll ever get his income tax refund.

Michael Williamson
End Illegal Immigration and our Border Crisis NOW! C/O Michael Dale Williamson, PC Lawyers

26861 Trabuco Road, Suite E-215

Mission Viejo, CA 92691

Definitely someone we need involved who has a front line view!

God Bless the USA


U.S. District Judge Paul Cassells distressed that judges do not have the power to force identity thieves to compensate victims of identity theft for the hours of lost time it takes to restore their good names and good credit. Thursday, March 22, 2007
By Linda Thomson
Deseret Morning News

Thursday, March 22, 2007
The Border Patrol makes more than 1 million arrests a year on the U.S.-Mexico border. T.J. Bonner, head of a union representing Border Patrol agents, said

ELLIOT SPAGAT Associated Press Writer

As many as eight armed Mexican soldiers crossed the border near a tiny Texas hamlet and kidnapped an American family of five last week,

Jon E. Dougherty
Thursday, Dec. 4, 2003


This is some information I found regarding so called "Identity theft insurance.. and their so called benefits that they do just for special little youuuuu....

The coverage includes :(Get it in writing!)

$ Lost wages as a result of time taken off from work to deal with fraud, with coverage of as much as $500 per week for four weeks. (ooooh as much as 500$ WOW!)

Notary and certified mailing costs for completing and delivering fraud affidavits.
* Fees for reapplying for loans that were declined due to erroneous credit information.
* Phone charges for calling merchants, financial institutions and law enforcement agents to discuss the fraud.(nickel and diming your ass broke!)
* Some attorney fees.( I like this one its funnnnny)

Lengthy forms
, letters
long-distance phone calls
eat up
vacation days.
Worse yet
, some identity theft victims are forced to take
unpaid time away from work
.( Not if you had a Pre-Paid Legal Service Plan. I tell you its the only one in the us that has resolution services for identity theft. Not assistance.....)

Frank estimated that she spent
500 hours cleaning up her credit nightmare.
were abou
t $10,000
.( ANd other reports indicate less than $1000 out of pocket which I thought to be bs! )$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

Regardless of what precautions you take or don't take, everyone is at risk when it comes to identity theft.
( I absolutely agree. NO ONE is immune.)


Letting illegals stay only makes sense if you think the poor are overpaid.(Yeah that 5.50$ an hour lets u lead the good life! WTF)

illegal aliens create significant costs for taxpayers mainly because they are unskilled,(TADA!)

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$In 2004, only three employers were fined for hiring illegals.(unfknblvble)


Some of the most violent criminals at large today are illegal aliens
millions of illegal aliens work, shop, travel, and commit crimes in plain view, utterly confident in their de facto immunity from the immigration law.

In Los Angeles, 95 percent of outstanding warrants for homicide (which total 1,200 to 1,500) target illegal aliens. Up to two-thirds of all fugitive felony warrants (17,000) are illegal aliens.

A confidential California Department of Justice study reported in 1995 that 60 % of the bloody 18th Street Gang in California is illegal (estimated membership: 20,000
The gang has expanded its numbers over the last two decades by recruiting recently arrived youngsters,
illegal, from Central America and Mexico.

In theory, ICE is supposed to find and deport all aliens who have entered the country illegally through stealth or fraudulent documents

The only way to dampen illegal immigration is to remove the jobs

Millions of illegal workers pretend to present valid documents, and thousands of employers pretend to believe them.

the market for counterfeit documents has exploded.
Fraud now pervades every aspect of the immigration system

The Disease Factor: Not only are illegal aliens bankrupting hospitals on the U.S. border, they are bringing diseases into the country, including drug-resistant-tuberculosis, leprosy, hepatitis A, and Chagas Disease, an organ-attacking parasite imported from South America.


Illegals also help the economy by purchasing American goods and services. They buy houses and cars and patronize the local Piggly Wiggly.
# Illegals pay taxes too - about $4,200 federal taxes on average per illegal household per year. Over 40% of this goes to Social Security and Medicare.
Illegals are inspired by the American dream, just like many of the ancestors of today's American citizens. It is heartless to deny foreigners the ability to come to America and make better lives for themselves.
NO , No, and whatever! Lets start with "paying taxes on bought goods"
Here we go, IF the social security # or credit card is stolen then the so called money that went to the goods will be forfeited by the business due to the victim of the fraud wont pay! Sooooo the business increases its prices to the (here it is!) CONSUMER. Definition of consumer: The people who work hard and legally pay their taxes!TADA! So are they doing good? Bolstering our economy? NO. Quite the opposite! If you're buying produce from the side of the road from known illegals and you are an American, youre fuckin yourself! I see that people need to eat and when you need a better life for your family but not to intentionally ride the system( and they knowingly DO dont let their so called lack of english fool you.) I can't do it and get away with it. I don't like seeing it. I know of those who desperately need help and yet are turned away at every damned point. Americans that is. (black, white, all)
I myself have been there. Having had hard times, I went to places that were supposed to help out. (free food mainly)
Was told by the red cross to live in my car. I had a young son at the time and yes they were quite aware of this. Watched as mexicans walked out of the catholic church with so much shit they could barely carry it AND money in the bank cause the church paid their bills! W T F I have been catholic and American all my life I do believe. I could be wrong! Ok enough Im goin to bed! Tomorrrrrroow!

These are reasons that I am proud not only to be an American, I am proud to be a Pre-Paid Legal Services Independent Associate, Certified Identity Theft Risk Management Specialist. I offer solutions that can help our fellow citizens that does NOT cost an arm and a leg. EVERYONE can afford this coverage. I encourage others to check out what our 35yr established company has to offer American Families.

Pre-Paid Legal isn't just another "new" company . We will be here 35 years from now.! Before you invest in something as important as credit monitoring services and or Identity theft check out my site!

Thank you so much for taking the time to read what I find interesting!


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